Power disruptions are a frequent phenomenon across the United States, especially during severe storms and challenging weather conditions such as extreme cold or heat.
Your family’s safety is paramount during a blackout, but safeguarding your home’s contents from potential harm is also crucial.
Discover these key actions to consider if your home experiences an unexpected power outage.
Ensure Your Appliances Are Shielded
When the lights go out, the first task is to unplug your appliances. A power surge could harm your devices when electricity is rapidly channeled through the dormant electrical wires. Once power is reinstated, wait briefly before reconnecting everything.
For your electronic gadgets, opt for power strips equipped with surge protection. Look for strips boasting a substantial energy rating, a minimum of 600 joules. Prioritize those with the Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) certification for superior quality.
Before a storm hits, ensure all your gadgets are fully charged. This strategy ensures you’re equipped to handle any unforeseen emergencies. Plus, harness your mobile phone’s capabilities to stay updated on your loved ones’ well-being.
Check Your Fuse and Circuit Breaker System
A tripped circuit breaker might be responsible for the power loss. Try resetting it to ascertain if electricity is restored. The procedure involves toggling the switch off and on. Don’t be alarmed by a few beeps upon power’s return; this is normal.
Exercise caution while adjusting the breakers, refraining from using tools or touching the electric meter. If power remains elusive, consulting a professional might be wise. Cross-reference your neighbors’ situation to determine if the outage is localized.
Guard against overloading circuits to prevent future blown fuses. Plugging in excessive lights or devices can trigger this problem. Regularly inspect your electrical wiring and outlets for any signs of damage.
Moisture accumulation can lead to circuit breaker malfunctions, particularly after heavy rainfall. Prioritize drying out any sections of your dwelling affected by such weather conditions.
Safeguarding Your Refrigeration
Prioritize sealing your fridge and freezer doors to preserve your food’s freshness. In the interim, consider utilizing coolers and ice packs for temporary storage. Before consuming refrigerated items, ensure their safety. Keep in mind that a refrigerator maintains cold temperatures for approximately four hours, while a freezer sustains freezing conditions for 48 hours.
Elevate your peace of mind with a food thermometer, ensuring optimal cooking temperatures, such as 160°F for ground beef.
Construct an emergency kit as a preemptive measure for future power disruptions. Stock it with nonperishable items and bottled water.
Battling Basement Dampness
Intense storms, characterized by heavy rainfall, frequently trigger power outages. Regularly inspect your basement for potential flooding, as excessive moisture encourages mold growth. Utilize a gasoline-powered pump to eliminate any water accumulation.
Shield your basement’s external walls from potential water damage by identifying and promptly sealing any cracks. Fortify drainage efficiency by employing window well covers, preventing clogs and overflows.
Garage Door Empowerment
In the event of basement flooding, manual evacuation may be necessary. For this purpose, ensure your garage door is in the down position. Engage the emergency release cord, and effortlessly raise the door.
Post-storm evaluation of your garage door’s condition is vital. Engage professional assistance for water damage repairs to avoid electrical hazards. Confronting flooding and power disruptions demands expertise in electrical intricacies.
Safeguarding Your Plumbing System
When a power outage strikes, your home’s heating system may falter, leading to potential pipe freezing and bursting during chilly spells. To avert such a scenario, activate all your faucets, allowing a slight trickle of water. This simple measure encourages continuous fluid movement within your pipes.
Bolster your pipe protection by shutting your garage door to thwart drafts that might impact your plumbing. Additionally, open cabinet doors in your kitchen and bathroom to facilitate warm air circulation. For a lasting solution, consider enhancing insulation in your attic and basement.
Fortifying Your Abode Against Power Disruptions
Though the initial moments of a power outage might induce unease, maintaining composure is paramount. Equip yourself with these guidelines to ensure the safety of your family and home during such events.
Remember, tackling significant post-outage concerns demands professional expertise. Repairs involving flooding, electricity, and plumbing entail risks for inexperienced homeowners and are best entrusted to licensed and adept professionals.
Explore Renovated for an array of home improvement insights tailored to both homeowners and contractors. Embrace Houston Restore Pros for comprehensive home protection and restoration solutions.